2021.02.03 UP
ベアトリス・ゴンザレスの作品展示・販売 / Beatriz Gonzalez Art Exhibition
We're happy to announce that some works of Beatriz Gonzalez, an artist from Bucaramanga in Colombia, will be exhibited and sold at Dkarte! She is one of the female artists who has created powerful works for more than 50 years, whose works will be exhibited at the Mori Art Museum's Another Energy Exhibition from April of this year. Please come and see her work which utilizes creative pop art, that sometimes uses daily necessities such as curtains, furniture, and wallpaper for palettes. We'll keep you updated here on the exhibition date!
今年の4月から森美術館のアナザーエナジー展にも作品が展示される、50年以上も力強い作品を世の中に作り上げてきた女性アーティストの1人です。カーテンや家具、壁紙など日用品をパレットに用いることもある自由なポップアート性のある彼女の作品をぜひ見にいらしてください。展示の詳細はまた後日お伝えしますのでどうぞお楽しみに!We're happy to announce that some works of Beatriz Gonzalez, an artist from Bucaramanga in Colombia, will be exhibited and sold at Dkarte! She is one of the female artists who has created powerful works for more than 50 years, whose works will be exhibited at the Mori Art Museum's Another Energy Exhibition from April of this year. Please come and see her work which utilizes creative pop art, that sometimes uses daily necessities such as curtains, furniture, and wallpaper for palettes. We'll keep you updated here on the exhibition date!
2020.12.01 UP
QUI的ギャラリー探訪 / DKARTE gallery futured on QUI
DKARTE gallery was featured on QUI, Fashion & Culture media specialized in Tokyo. Check out our talk with one of the QUI editors regarding how we keep active as "an art gallery without art gallery" in the current covid situation and THE A.I.R BUILDING, a building where artists live in to create art.東京をベースに、つぎに注目すべき日本のファッション&カルチャーを発信するQUI(クイ)にDKARTE gallery(デカルテ ギャラリー)を特集していただきました。QUI編集部の方と対談形式でコロナ禍での”ギャラリーを持たないギャラリー”としての活動や、アーティストの澄みついたビルディング“THE A.I.R BUILDING”についてお話しています。東京をベースに、つぎに注目すべき日本のファッション&カルチャーを発信するQUI(クイ)にDKARTE gallery(デカルテ ギャラリー)を特集していただきました。QUI編集部の方と対談形式でコロナ禍での”ギャラリーを持たないギャラリー”としての活動や、アーティストの澄みついたビルディング“THE A.I.R BUILDING”についてお話しています。DKARTE gallery was featured on QUI, Fashion & Culture media specialized in Tokyo. Check out our talk with one of the QUI editors regarding how we keep active as "an art gallery without art gallery" in the current covid situation and THE A.I.R BUILDING, a building where artists live in to create art. -
2020.04.13 UP
コロナウイルスによる営業自粛 Remain closed due to corona virus
Dear DKARTE friends,
From April 1st we start a new journey, due to the latest news our Gallery space will remain closed, we will continue creating and searching for coming talents and great exhibitions as well as working on our social project @da.vida_project, this time to fight trough art the pandemic Corona Virus and help vulnerable families to remain at home with their basic needs.
We are looking forward to see you all again soon.DKARTE gallery は4月1日より当面の間営業をお休みします。その間はアートと社会貢献をかけた@da.vida_project に力を入れていきたいと思っています。アートの力でたくさんの人や環境が良くなると良いですね。よろしくお願いします。また、再開のご連絡はフェイスブック、インスタグラム、ホームページでご覧頂けます。この状況が治まる事を願い、また新たな出発に向けて、共にがんばりましょう!DKARTE gallery は4月1日より当面の間営業をお休みします。その間はアートと社会貢献をかけた@da.vida_project に力を入れていきたいと思っています。アートの力でたくさんの人や環境が良くなると良いですね。よろしくお願いします。また、再開のご連絡はフェイスブック、インスタグラム、ホームページでご覧頂けます。この状況が治まる事を願い、また新たな出発に向けて、共にがんばりましょう!Dear DKARTE friends,
From April 1st we start a new journey, due to the latest news our Gallery space will remain closed, we will continue creating and searching for coming talents and great exhibitions as well as working on our social project @da.vida_project, this time to fight trough art the pandemic Corona Virus and help vulnerable families to remain at home with their basic needs.
We are looking forward to see you all again soon.